Certifications, Indexes and Ratings


The new National Biofuels Policy, aimed at expanding the production of biofuels in the Brazilian energy matrix. FS is ranked among the highest scores for Energy-Environmental Efficiency Rating (NEEA) for anhydrous and hydrated ethanol in Brazil.

Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI)

CBI is an international non-profit organization that evaluates sustainable projects and assets. In this case, the programmatic certification signals that FS is able to issue Green Bonds to finance its projects with the CBI seal on a recurring basis.

ESG Sustainability Rating  – Moody’s

In April 2022, we completed the second ESG Rating analysis process, guided by Moody’s, and obtained the A1 grade once again, with a final score of 62 points. The assessment refers to crop year 21/22.

Click here to access the rating report.

Global CDP Platform

In line with the demand from investors and analysts on the strategy of action to combat climate change, we started to participate in the global CDP platform, which gathers and disseminates information on the strategy of organizations aimed at improving environmental performance.

The Green Bond Principles

It is an international organization that promotes the market for “green bonds” for investments in solutions with a positive impact on climate change. FS was the first company in Brazil to obtain financing with interest linked to environmental goals.

Global Reporting Initiative

The Global Reporting Initiative is an international organization that helps companies understand and communicate their business impact on critical sustainability issues. The FS Sustainability Report follows the GRI guidelines, reinforcing the commitment to social and environmental impacts and transparency in relationships.

I-REC Standard

The global system for tracking energy environmental attributes created RECs as a way of proving that energy was generated from renewable sources. FS is certified and can market RECs on the market, as a way of supporting other companies in their actions on climate change.


A global certification that guarantees the traceability and sustainable origin of raw materials, agricultural products, and biofuels. This certification provides access to new markets and enables us to sell FS’s ethanol and corn oil in the European marketplace.


Largest international certificate for animal nutrition, required by more than 50 countries, wich guarantees the food safety of the products, based on HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).


Required by countries that follow Islamic laws, it has a high level of demand and traceability of the inputs used, in order to avoid substances in the final product.


Required by the Jewish population and strict markets such as the US becaus it has a high level of food safety and good manufacturing practices.

Business Pact for Integrity and against Corruption

The Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption is a voluntary commitment made by private and public companies, whose objective is to unite them in the promotion of a more honest and ethical market, assuming the commitment to disclose Brazilian anti-corruption legislation to its employees and stakeholders, so that it is fully complied with, prohibiting any form of bribery and striving for transparency of information and collaboration in investigations, when necessary.